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A History of Loyalty and Service: What makes a dedicated Stack Team.

Snapper Armstrong - VP of Sales

Loyalty isn’t just a word; it’s a practice. Marking his 20-year anniversary at Alliance, Snapper Armstrong, Vice President of Sales for our Stack Testing division, shares what that means to Alliance teams and to our clients.

Snapper, what was your first role at Alliance all those years ago?

Sanppaer Armstrong Quote #1

I first came on as a sales rep in 2004, and I noticed the Stack Testing group had tons of growth potential, and that was exciting. I spent most of my time learning everything I know today about stack from Chris LeMay (CEO), Jeremy Hutchens (VP of Stack Testing), and Ryan O’Dea (SVP of Stack Testing), all of whom are still with Alliance today.

Do you think it matters to our clients that many Alliance employees stay for the long haul?

Definitely. Employee loyalty goes hand in hand with client loyalty. If clients were constantly talking to a different Alliance contact, it would be difficult to build relationships that generate loyalty and trust. On the flip side, we’re continuing to hire new talent and develop their skills. The key is that we have a lot of tenured experts—either with Alliance or with one of the companies we’ve acquired—supporting newcomers, so clients know they’re always getting advice and guidance from an experienced professional.

Why should clients trust Alliance for their Stack Testing needs?

A few of our clients have been with us for 20 years or more and many of our field staff are on a first-name basis with their clients. Alliance also has a deep bench of technical professionals and subject matter experts, so there’s always a skilled specialist available to help in any situation. That assurance goes a long way.

What do you do in your current role at Alliance?

I provide environmental compliance solutions for clients, with an emphasis on Stack Testing. But it’s so much more than that. Really, it depends on our clients’ needs. If they’re looking for Stack Testing, Water Sampling, Permits, or Environmental, Health and Safety Consulting Services—I’ve got a solution. I also work closely with our sales teams to gain insights into the types of services our clients are requesting and to make sure newer team members fully understand our clients’ needs and how we can help.

What has kept you working at Alliance for so long?

It’s really the people I’ve worked with over the years that’s compelled me to stay and build a career here. Working with people you can count on, and trust builds loyalty. That’s the simple answer—trust and loyalty with good people who watch out for each other and our clients, together.Every team member at Alliance is not just trained and released to the field—we have each other’s backs. We have a large foundation of experts here to teach, advise, troubleshoot, and mentor on every job, for every situation, every step of the way. That develops more loyalty, more trust.

What do you think it takes to be a good stack tester?

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Stack Testing is a physically and mentally demanding job. There’s a lot of time spent on the road, traveling back and forth to job sites. There is also a significant amount of loading, unloading, reloading, and prepping equipment for each project. In general, good Stack Testers can come from any background, if they can learn quickly and react swiftly in any type of situation.

They also have to be confident working with their hands, assembling, disassembling, and reassembling equipment. Sometimes what works perfectly in the shop may not work perfectly in the field, so there’s a lot of troubleshooting and thinking on their feet to figure out a solution. And you can’t be afraid of heights! It’s a great match for climbers and adventurers.


Stay ahead of compliance deadlines—schedule your Stack Testing project today.Don’t scramble at the last minute—reach out now while it’s top of mind. You can even discuss any future testing needs and get them scheduled early.


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