Services / On-Site Testing / Source Testing / Stack Testing

Stack Testing
Expect the best from the largest stack testing provider in the U.S.
Receive consistent, responsive service from skilled stack testing professionals. Expect best in class response for deliverable creation and clear accurate reporting to help you meet all of your compliance demonstration and performance requirements.

Stack Testing Services
Compliance Demonstration | Engineering/Investigative Test Programs | On-Site FTIR Spectroscopy | Specialty Testing | Low Level PM Sampling | Performance Specification Testing (RATA)
Compliance Demonstration
PM (filterable PM, condensable PM, PM-10, PM-2.5, OTM-37)
Metals, including Hg
Acid gases
Combustion gases
Volatile and Semi-Volatile Organics (total and speciated)
Dioxins and Furans
Specialty Testing (PFAS, EtO, Combustors)
Baghouses, Cyclones, and ESPs
FGD and dry scrubbers
Oxidizers (thermal, regenerative, and catalytic)
Engineering/Investigative Test Programs
Do you have a high priority compliance test on the calendar and want advanced assurance that your process and controls are performing adequately?
Are you experiencing process-related challenges that accurate emissions data could help diagnose and solve?
Our experienced testing professionals are well equipped to help you design a measurement program to address all the above safely and efficiently. And our fully integrated consultants are accessible for SME consultations.
Performance Specification Testing (RATA)
Alliance provides Part 60, Part 63, and Part 75 continuous emissions monitoring system (CEMS) evaluations and relative accuracy test audits (RATA) for all manner of CEMS configurations within all applicable industries. From routine gas and flow RATAs to highly complex GC, PM and Mercury RATAs, we have you covered.
Specialty Testing
One of Alliance’s key stack testing differentiators is our ability to plan and execute testing solutions for the most complex emissions targets and scenarios.
Dilution Based Sampling for Particulate Matter (OTM-37)
PFAS Sampling (OTM-45 & OTM-50)
Diluted CEMS Sampling for High Moisture or Highly Concentrated Sampling Locations
Direct Interface Gas Chromatography for Speciated VOC and Sulfur Compounds
OOOOb Combustor Compliance Testing (OTM-52)
Hazardous Waste Combustion CPT Programs
Low Level PM Sampling
When facing the rapidly decreasing compliance thresholds for PM, PM-10, and PM-2.5, you need a highly experienced testing partner to create a testing plan to mitigate the many challenges associated with accurately quantifying very low levels of particulate matter.
When every grain of PM matters, Alliance ensures accuracy with advanced equipment, a fully developed internal laboratory network, and nuanced quality control procedures.
On-Site FTIR Spectroscopy
Whether demonstrating compliance with a very low-level pollutant standard (formaldehyde, ethylene oxide, HCl) or addressing complex process gas stream challenges, Alliance has the advanced instrumentation and a deep bench of FTIR spectroscopists to help navigate the complexity inherent to this sampling approach.