Temp CEMS: Q&A With an Expert

Since expanding our dedicated division for Temp CEMS (Temporary Continuous Emissions Monitoring System) services, Alliance specialists are busier in the field than ever. We caught up with the group manager while he was on standby after installing Temp CEMS systems on three temporary boilers.

Jett Rink, Advanced Analytical Manager, leads the Temp CEMS field team at Alliance with passion and expertise, making him the perfect subject matter expert to talk about Temp CEMS.

Thanks for your time, Jett. First talk about why and when Temp CEMS services are needed.

Clients ask us to install a Temp CEMS when their process monitoring equipment or permanent CEMS fails, when they have new monitoring requirements due to operational changes or must comply with new regulatory standards quickly. We commonly handle well-planned Temp CEMS installs, and we are equipped to deploy quickly to emergency requests as well. Without a functional monitoring system, production capacity may be limited, and excess downtime may be reported. This generates additional work for facility personnel and increases risk. The losses can add up quickly for clients.

Without a functional monitoring system, production capacity may be limited, and excess downtime may be reported. This generates additional work for facility personnel and increases risk. The losses can add up quickly for clients.”

Jett Rink – Advanced Analytical Manager

Jett, describe your service and what stands out about Alliance’s Temp CEMS?

First, we have personnel and equipment fully dedicated to Temp CEMS, which allows us to respond immediately with real-time solutions. Recently, a refinery client called us on a Friday at lunchtime needing a Temp CEMS due to a system failure. Our team had one up and running the next day, on Saturday.

Ideally, we start a planning phase with our clients for these projects, and we engage all client participants early on. We collaborate with the capital project managers and other stakeholders such as Environmental, Instrument and Electrical, Safety, IT, and any relevant external consultants and contractors. This helps ensure that we’re all aligned and working toward the same goal.

And what types of equipment typically need temporary CEMS support?

We provide monitoring support for all manner of emission sources and process lines. We often monitor the exhaust from boilers, furnaces, and turbines, but we do a lot of process monitoring as well; things like fuel drums, flare gases and inlet streams to various emission control devices like thermal oxidizers.

What pollutant or gas stream constituents are you typically monitoring?

All our monitoring is client-specific, so it depends. Commonly, we monitor oxygen or carbon dioxide and criteria pollutants like nitrous oxide, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and VOC’s. We measure multiple sulfur gases species like hydrogen sulfide, carbonyl sulfide, and mercaptans.

We routinely conduct Btu and speciated hydrocarbon analysis for the determination of flare gas net heating value as well. We typically measure the speciated sulfurs and hydrocarbons using a gas chromatograph. Sometimes we’ll measure the exhaust volumetric flowrate too.

Are there ever surprises in this type of project?

Even with careful planning we still encounter the occasional surprise, like needing a second system for an undisclosed inlet stream or emission source. The planning process gives us an opportunity to think things through with our clients, which limits the number of surprises we encounter.

What do you do when there are multiple sources that need to be monitored?

Our engineers thought of that when designing our Temp CEMS trailers to accommodate two emission sources if needed. We’re a solution-oriented group of professionals who have the benefit of drawing on decades of experience in industrial stack testing and full service permanent CEMS construction and integration.

No matter what your challenge, chances are we’ve already encountered it and have it designed into our existing fleet as a customizable option.

No matter what your challenge, chances are we’ve already encountered it and have it designed into our existing fleet as a customizable option.”

Jett Rink – Advanced Analytical Manager

Jett Rink
Advanced Analytical Manager
Alliance Technical Group

With a strong background in instrumentation across multiple industries, Jett brings nearly 20 years of experience in air quality to his client’s environmental projects. Jett supports our clients with his regulatory and technical air quality knowledge and manages our Temp CEMS operation. He is the first person you should call when temporary monitoring needs arise.

Reach out to Jett’s team
When the stakes are high, and time is of the essence, trust Alliance’s Temp CEMS team to deliver the reliable solutions you need.

With Alliance, there’s a better way.

We’re a new kind of environmental services company — powered by innovation, focused on service,
and committed to our clients’ success. Dedicated to helping you achieve your environmental goals and mitigate the
risks associated with regulatory changes, we deliver on the promise of reliability, results, and responsiveness.


Expert guidance that extends your
people and possibilities.

Environmental Consulting
Natural resources

Environmental compliance
H&S compliance

Assessment & Remediation
Due diligence


Testing and monitoring tailored
to your needs.

Source Testing
Stack testing
Continuous emissions monitoring
Engine testing

Fugitive Emissions Testing
Leak detection services
Leak detection software
Ambient air monitoring
Optical gas imaging


A national lab network that puts
the focus on you.


Hazardous waste
Solid waste
Ambient air
Air compliance support
Air permitting
Air reporting

Oil & Gas

Renewable natural gas

Contact Alliance Technical Group today for end-to-end environmental services and solutions.

info@alliancetg.com               1.256.351.0121

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